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NOME Kennel Club Race Rules – 60 Mile Race Two Days 30 Mile heats each day




1.1 No musher under 18 years of age will be allowed to compete without the approval of the NKC Board of Directors.

1.2 All mushers must be current Nome Kennel Club Members.

1.3 There must be at least three entrants, or the race will be cancelled.

1.4 The Race Marshall may refuse the entry of any musher at the drawing or before the race if, in the opinion of the judges or marshal, the condition of the driver and/or their equipment constitutes a hazard and/or delaying factor to themselves or other entrants in the race.

1.5 If the ambient temperature is colder than -30F ambient or -35F with wind-chill, or if there are sustained wind speeds greater than 30 mph the race will be postponed until conditions moderate. If conditions do not moderate within 24 hours, the race will be cancelled. Final decision is up to the Race Marshall.




2.1 Each musher must understand the race rules.

2.2 Each musher must present proof that each dog has current vaccinations: rabies vaccine within the past three years IF 3-year is stated on the vaccination certificate, and a 5-way (Parvo) combination vaccine within the past year. No nursing dogs or dogs who have given birth to pups within six weeks of the race start will be allowed to run.

2.3 Each team must have a sled or toboggan with a brush bow, operating foot brake, and hook.

2.4 The maximum number of dogs to start with is 12 dogs; the minimum is 5.




3.1 Race start is scheduled for Saturday, February 18th and 19th, 2023, at noon at the city of Nome snow-dump facility. Teams will leave in 2-minute increments.

3.2 No force may be used to control dogs in the race, at the starting line, or in the holding area. Beating or abuse of a dog must be distinguished from cuffing or appropriate discipline of a dog. No whips are allowed. The following kinds of force will be cause for immediate disqualification: 1. Kicking a dog 2. Striking a dog with any rigid object 3. Beating a dog in any form, including picking up and throwing a dog to the ground.

3.3 A musher will be responsible for their team in the event any dog in their team becomes aggressive and causes damage to another team. The musher determined by official ruling to have the aggressive dog will be responsible for financial compensation of all medical and transportation expenses to repair all damages caused by their animal. If the musher does not comply with this ruling, they will be banned from all NKC races in the future.

3.4 When one team overtakes another, the team behind shall have the right of way upon demand by calling “trail”. The musher ahead must stop their dogs such that the team behind may easily pass. If the passed team hangs on for six minutes, they shall have the right to demand the trail again but cannot pass for any reason prior to that. The passed team must stay behind the forward team by at least 50 feet.

3.5 If a team catches another team but cannot pass or chooses not to pass, the team in the rear must stay behind the front team by at least 100 feet.

3.6 The first part of the lead dog that crosses the finish line will mark the racer’s finish time.

3.7 Every person entering or driving a team in the race will be required to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike, fair and honorable manner, under penalty of forfeiture of prize, racing privileges or other penalties in NKC races at the Race Marshall’s discretion.

3.8 There will be no outside assistance of any kind permitted on the race. This is any assistance on the trail including but not limited to pacing or perceived pacing using a snow machine or other motorized vehicle, communications concerning the location of other mushers and other assistance as defined by the Race Judge. In emergencies, others can assist to i.e. secure lost teams to assure the safety of team and driver.




4.1 There will be a Race Judge and Timekeeper. All officials of the race will be identified at the start. The Race Judge or designee will be present at the start and finish line for all official starters and finishers of the race.

4.2 Any protests of the race results or other race-related issues by a musher must be made by said musher within 24 hours of finishing the race. The Race Judge’s decision on the protest shall be final unless appealed. Only mushers may lodge a protest.

4.3 1st place 31% of total purse, 2nd 23%, 3rd 18%, 4th 13%, 5th 5%, 6th 2%, 7th 2%, 8 th 2%, 9 th 2%, and 10th 2%. If less than ten teams finish the race the unused portion of the purse will be divided evenly among the qualified finishers. 4.4 Any changes to these rules will be posted.


NOME Kennel Club Race Rules – 16 Mile Race




1.1 No musher under 18 years of age will be allowed to compete without the approval of the NKC Board of Directors.

1.2All mushers must be current Nome Kennel Club Members.

1.3 There must be at least three entrants or the race will be cancelled.

1.4 The Race Marshall may refuse the entry of any musher at the drawing or before the race if, in the opinion of the judges or marshal, the condition of the driver and/or their equipment constitutes a hazard and/or delaying factor to themselves or other entrants in the race.

1.5 If the ambient temperature is colder than -30F ambient or -35F with wind-chill, or if there are sustained wind speeds greater than 30 mph the race will be postponed until conditions moderate. If conditions do not moderate within 24 hours, the race will be cancelled. Final decision is up to the Race Marshall.




2.1 Each musher must understand the race rules.

2.2 Each musher must present proof that each dog has current vaccinations: rabies vaccine within the past three years IF 3-year is stated on the vaccination certificate, and a 5-way (Parvo) combination vaccine within the past year. No nursing dogs or dogs who have given birth to pups within six weeks of the race start will be allowed to run.

2.3 Each team must have a sled or toboggan with a brush bow, operating foot brake, and hook.

2.4 The maximum number of dogs to start with is 12 dogs; the minimum is 5.




3.1 Race start is scheduled for Saturday, January , 2022, at noon at the city of Nome snow-dump facility. Teams will leave in 2 minute increments.

3.2 No force may be used to control dogs in the race, at the starting line, or in the holding area. Beating or abuse of a dog must be distinguished from cuffing or appropriate discipline of a dog. No whips are allowed. The following kinds of force will be cause for immediate disqualification: 1. Kicking a dog 2. Striking a dog with any rigid object 3. Beating a dog in any form, including picking up and throwing a dog to the ground.

3.3 A musher will be responsible for their team in the event any dog in their team becomes aggressive and causes damage to another team. The musher determined by official ruling to have the aggressive dog will be responsible for financial compensation of all medical and transportation expenses to repair all damages caused by their animal. If the musher does not comply with this ruling, they will be banned from all NKC races in the future.

3.4 When one team overtakes another, the team behind shall have the right of way upon demand by calling “trail”. The musher ahead must stop their dogs such that the team behind may easily pass. If the passed team hangs on for six minutes, they shall have the right to demand the trail again but cannot pass for any reason prior to that. The passed team must stay behind the forward team by at least 50 feet. 3.5 If a team catches another team but cannot pass or chooses not to pass, the team in the rear must stay behind the front team by at least 100 feet.

3.6 The first part of the lead dog that crosses the finish line will mark the racer’s finish time.

3.7 Every person entering or driving a team in the race will be required to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike, fair and honorable manner, under penalty of forfeiture of prize, racing privileges or other penalties in NKC races at the Race Marshall’s discretion.

3.8 There will be no outside assistance of any kind permitted on the race. This is any assistance on the trail including but not limited to pacing or perceived pacing using a snow machine or other motorized vehicle, communications concerning the location of other mushers and other assistance as defined by the Race Judge. In emergencies, others can assist to i.e. secure lost teams to assure the safety of team and driver.




4.1 There will be a Race Judge and Timekeeper. All officials of the race will be identified at the start. The Race Judge or designee will be present at the start and finish line for all official starters and finishers of the race.

4.2 Any protests of the race results or other race-related issues by a musher must be made by said musher within 24 hours of finishing the race. The Race Judge’s decision on the protest shall be final unless appealed. Only mushers may lodge a protest.

4.3 1st place 31% of total purse, 2nd 23%, 3rd 18%, 4th 13%, 5th 5%, 6th 2%, 7th 2%, 8 th 2%, 9 th 2%, and 10th 2%. If less than ten teams finish the race the unused portion of the purse will be divided evenly among the qualified finishers. 4.4 Any changes to these rules will be posted.







                                                    Skijoring Rules (Based on ISDRA race rules) 


Part One: Driver / Team Qualifications 


1. No skijorer  under 18 years of age will be allowed to compete without the approval of the NKC Board of Directors. All skijorers  must be current Nome Kennel Club Members. 

2. The Race Marshall may refuse the entry of any musher at the drawing or before the race if, in the opinion of the judges or marshal, the condition of the driver and/or their equipment constitutes a hazard and/or delaying factor to themselves or other entrants in the race. 

3. Each musher must understand the race rules. 

4. All dogs must either have a City of Nome dog license, or proof of canine parvovirus and rabies vaccinations within the past year. 


Part 2: Team Size & Equipment 


1. Skijoring teams shall consist of a maximum of two (2) dogs and a minimum of one (1) dog. 

2. Skijoring teams must be attached via harness and tow-line to the skijorer’s belt in a safe and secure manner, leaving the skijorer’s hands free of the line. The line length shall be a minimum of seven (7) feet and a maximum of twelve (12) feet as measured from the skiers belt buckle to the snap on the dog’s harness. 

3. As this is a short race on established trails, for the safety of the dogs, no skis with metal edges will be permitted. 

4. The minimum width of the skijoring belt across the back shall be three (3) inches. In the interest of safety, there must be a release device within arm’s length of the skijorer. 


Part 3: Race Course & Date 

1. The race will begin at the Iditarod Trail at Mile 5 of the Council Rd  on April 8th at 7:15pm.  The 8 mile race will follow the Iditarod Trail to Hastings Creek and back to the starting line. The turn around will be clearly marked and there will be a race volunteer at the turnaround spot. 


Part 4: Starting & Finishing 

1. The tips of the skijorer’s skis  front tire shall determine the starting point of the team. 

2. The nose of the Lead Dog(s) shall determine the finish time of the team. Part 6: Passing 

1. Skijorer’s need not come to a full stop, but must slow, yield the trail and give immediate right-of-way upon demand. Once a team has been passed, that team shall not repass for two (2) minutes or one-half (1/2) mile except by mutual agreement of both drivers. Unless passing or in the no-right-a-way zone, a competitor must maintain a minimum distance of twenty (20) feet between his/her dogs and the skijorer.





Nome, Alaska

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